Operations Performed:
Ventilation Tubes (Grommets)
Grommets are tiny plastic tubes that are inserted into the ear drum to ventilate the middle ear and drain any fluid.
Grommet Tube Insertion
Indications for insertion
- Recurrent ear infections
- Persistent middle ear fluid affecting hearing

What to expect with the procedure
Grommet tube insertion is a short procedure taking no more than 10 minutes. It is performed under general anaesthetic in hospital as a day case. Under microscopy, the ear canal is cleared to visualise the ear drum. A small incision is then made in the ear drum and any middle ear fluid is suctioned. A small silicon tube or grommet is then inserted.
After a short period in recovery, your child will be transferred to the day stay ward. Here he/she will be observed for 3-4 hours and then discharged home.
There is very little pain associated with the procedure and usually, Panadol is all that is required. It is not uncommon to have a little blood-stained discharge from the ear in the first 24 hours. Usually, your child can return to school/childcare 24 hours after the procedure. Most grommets typically last for 6-12 months before they self-extrude. During this time it is important to avoid getting any water in the ear as this can result in an infection.
I will usually review your child 6 weeks after the procedure and again at 6 months.