Post Op Information:
What To Expect
It is not uncommon to experience a blood stained discharge for several days after surgery, but large volume fresh blood is a concern. If this occurs, suck on ice. If the bleeding lasts for longer than 5-10 minutes seek urgent medical attention.
Some patients may have a smelly nasal discharge for up to 2 weeks after surgery, usually due to the cautery used. Oral antibiotics are usually prescribed to settle this down.
Regular paracetamol is usually only required for the first few days after surgery.
Occasional doses of Nurofen can be used if the paracetamol is not covering the pain.
Encourage normal eating and drinking as much as possible
Patients can resume normal activities and return to work/school within a few days after surgery
Avoid sports, strenuous activity, heavy lifting for 1 week
Loud noise breathing can persist for the first few days after surgery before settling down
Oral antibiotics may be prescribed after surgery. We recommend taking them as directed by Dr Psaltis
Salt water sprays or washes may also be prescribed if deemed necessary.
Prof Psaltis recommends upto 3 days off after adenoid surgery.
Usually he will only need to see you once at 6 weeks to ensure that healing is complete.
Dr Psaltis will normally review you at 6 weeks after surgery